Monthly Archives: January 2012

Archie Bunker and a Legend Gone Awry

“All In the Family” was a TV staple in the 1970’s starring Carol O’ Connor as Archie Bunker. Archie was a blue collar stiff  who was conservative in a bigoted kind of way. He abhorred hippies of which his son in-law Michael Spivak was, and was also Polish, which opened Archie up to Polish jokes about his ethnicity. Archie called African Americans, the coloreds, and was certainly a segregationist in a funny kind of stereotypical way.  This past week Hostess Bakeries filed chapter eleven in bankruptcy court, and it brought back fond memories of Archie’s love for Hostess Twinkies. I started eating these little crème filled sponge cakes back in the seventies, and still like them a lot today. When I first heard the news of Hostess filing bankruptcy, the first thought I had was Archie’s love for these little sponge cakes and thinking maybe, he might roll over in his grave at this hurtful news. Later I found out that Hostess would continue to produce Twinkies in the light of their reorganization procedure. I took a sigh of relief! I don’t think I am a bigoted guy like Archie, but I do love Twinkies, and  am sure glad Archie want have to roll over in his grave. I’m quite sure that, one day Twinkies will come to an end, but in the mean time I am going to enjoy them, fat, cholesterol, and all;  although I do need to get hold of myself for: “The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.” Twinkies will pass away one day, but my God and Savior Jesus will stand forever. Alleluia! Everything I enjoy in this life will pass away one day, and I’m ready to let go of them when that day arrives. How about you? “All In the Family” was a TV staple in the 1970’s starring Carol O’ Connor as Archie Bunker. Archie was a blue collar stiff  who was conservative in a bigoted kind of way. He abhorred hippies of which his son in-law Michael Spivak was, and was also Polish, which opened Archie up to Polish jokes about his ethnicity. Archie called African Americans, the coloreds, and was certainly a segregationist in a funny kind of stereotypical way.  This past week Hostess Bakeries filed chapter eleven in bankruptcy court, and it brought back fond memories of Archie’s love for Hostess Twinkies. I started eating these little crème filled sponge cakes back in the seventies, and still like them a lot today. When I first heard the news of Hostess filing bankruptcy, the first thought I had was Archie’s love for these little sponge cakes and thinking maybe, he might roll over in his grave at this hurtful news. Later I found out that Hostess would continue to produce Twinkies in the light of their reorganization procedure. I took a sigh of relief! I don’t think I am a bigoted guy like Archie, but I do love Twinkies, and  am sure glad Archie want have to roll over in his grave. I’m quite sure that, one day Twinkies will come to an end, but in the mean time I am going to enjoy them, fat, cholesterol, and all;  although I do need to get hold of myself for: “The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.” Twinkies will pass away one day, but my God and Savior Jesus will stand forever. Alleluia! Everything I enjoy in this life will pass away one day, and I’m ready to let go of them when that day arrives. How about you?

“Know Your (God) Story”

The longer I live, the more appreciative I am of my Christian journey. Keep this in mind, even though there are times in my life I wasn’t walking with Jesus; I look back and know Jesus was with me the whole time. He was with me when my grandma prayed with me each night at my bedside as a child. He was with me when my family would pray at the breakfast and dinner table each morning and evening. He was there with me in Sunday school and worship each Sunday, until I was about 12 or 13 years old. After this I went on a 16 or 17 year rampage of rebellion and over indulgent living. I wonder who it was that made me pick up that Gideon Bible in that motel room in 1979 and start reading it, because 2 years later I surrendered my life to Christ? While driving under the influence of alcohol on so many occasions, I wonder who it was that kept me from dying or worse being permanently disabled in a car wreck. This part really baffles me; I wonder who  it was who made sure I had a mom, dad, and wife that wouldn’t give up on me, even though I didn’t deserve their love and devotion? God was with me the whole time and had a divine plan laid out for my life; and of this I am quite sure, for I have walked through the valley of the shadow of physical and spiritual death so many times and lived to tell about it from a Christian perspective. Through revelation from the Holy Spirit I have learned that God can take those wrinkles and warts in my life and use them as a testimony to his amazing grace that can lead others to know Jesus.  Know your story! He can use your warts and wrinkles for the glory of His kingdom also. Love ya.

“Great Organization, Makes a Great Organization”

As the church goes, no one is a one man or woman show; it takes many people to organize a church family into a mighty machine for the sake of the gospel. Organizing anything calls for the accountability of many people on many levels of their Christian walk with Jesus. We can have a Charge Conference, elect leaders in the church, but this is not the essence of organization. Accountability to one another must take shape and work like a well oiled machine. I feel my role as pastor is not so much leader as facilitator. Facilitating requires one to discern the gifts, and graces of individuals in the organization, then putting them into place to do a specific task or tasks according to their ability for the sake of the greater good of the body called the church. This task always calls for cooperation from the body (the church) in order to achieve its goal to make disciples for Christ for the transformation of the world. In Wesley’s class meetings in the 16th century he had 10 to 12 people in each class with facilitators (not leaders) in each group to keep the continuity of the group together, as they successfully watched over one another’s souls for the sake of the kingdom.  I think, but don’t know the reason he didn’t have leaders is the fact of a hierarchy structure, that creates powerful people with-in the structure that ultimately creates corruption, and malcontent-ed people in a monarchy. Think of Hitler! We are all under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. I think this blog is precisely the way our Lord wants us to organize the church, in order to have a great organization called the church. Read all of 1 Corinthians 12 for a better look into the organization of His church.

“The Revelation”

Went to: “The Church at Brook Hills” yesterday to worship. As some of you might know, David Platte the author of the best selling Christian book “Radical” is their Senior pastor and he was preaching yesterday. Even though I do have mental lapses in my blogs, like writing about “pert near”, I do have genuine revelations from God, and at Brook Hills I had one such moment. I have been searching for a resuscitation tool to use for a three to four day spring renewal tool for the Alderson Charge. I have found it, but still am putting the pieces to the puzzle together. Renewal Weekend: “Mountain Miracle 2012” will commence on May 4 and wind Down on Sunday Evening May 6, 2012. We will travel between Johnson, Grace, and the Mt. Vernon church for each session. My son Jason Duncan.( B.A. Religion, Bluefield College) (MA Christian Counseling, Asbury Theological Seminary) (D. Min, Beeson Seminary,“Still working on dissertation) along with myself will share with the Alderson Charge what it means to fear no evil when we walk through the valley in the shadow of  (spiritual) death. Jason will come and share for a free will offering.  This event will take a lot of prayer, prep, and time from you, the members of the Alderson Charge. We will start on this endeavor as soon as I return from my trip.

Let me know what your thoughts are about this evangelistic program for the spring? 

“Pert Near”

I love Appalachian jargon; especially phrases like “pert near.” Keep in mind the definition for pert near is: “almost.” What if one of us descent law abiding citizens of Appalachia had written the song Almost Persuaded; the The title would probably have been “Pert Near Persuaded.” Here’s one for you: “West Virginia pert near whooped the tar outta Clemson, and I pert near wanted to gag, then I pert near took all the clothes outta my closet that are gold (Yellow) and blue and donated them to Good Will in protest. Good thing I don’t own much blue and gold stuff because that would pert near present to the world I am a bomb lunaticking and ready to explode. Just in case you can’t tell I am pert near on the path to Bellevue Institute of Lower Learning, or perhaps it’s a bit of Appalachian country boy in my jeans. Did I spell that right? Pert near is as pert near does, so I’m pert near done writing. See y’all.

I Wish I Wasn’t In the Land of Cotton

Here I am sitting in Birmingham, Alabama wishing I wasn’t in the land of cotton. There’s no place like home! Here in Birmingham there are 1,000,000 people and lots of things to see and do, like visit the Civil Rights Museum, but I would rather be in Alderson, WV, population 2700, or 2800 where the streets are rolled up after dark.     I would rather be with my family than any other place on the planet. I miss my wife, dog, and my church family. Make no bones about it folks, I love West Virginia and I love y’all. See ya next Saturday.


Wasted Away Again In Birmingham

Today I sat in on Dr. James Earl Massey’s lecture on preaching as I will for the next two days. What a great guy! He is the author of several books and a seasoned teacher of the  art of preaching. Today he made two profound statements about preaching. 1. Every sermon needs at least one point. (ha, ha)  2. Never say you’ve got one more thing to say in a sermon and preach for fifteen more minutes. In concern for connecting with one’s audience, the preacher needs to take into consideration the make-up his or her audience. You can use animated illustrations, intentional illustrations, or story telling illustrations; the age, and education of your listeners are important in which illustrations are used in a sermon.    Lastly a preacher needs to be honest with the text used for the basis of the sermon, for it is the scripture, or God speaking that is the meat in the message, and as a preacher, he or she is “only” the interpreter of the text. All of this is pretty academic stuff, but in the end this old dog is sure to learn some new tricks or remember some old ones from day’s gone by from Dr. James Earl Massey. That’s All For today, my brain is cooked! “I’m wasted Away Again In Birmingham.”

“Power Corrupts, Altruism kicks its butt”

The true test of a human’s character is not adversity for we are equipped to do deal with such. The true test of character is for a human to be given power. Give a person power and you will see one’s true character transform. Power along with un-forgiveness causes high divorce rates, child abuse, domestic violence, addiction, adultery, maiming, murder, as well as war, along with many other sinful acts… When we humans have power, too many times we relate that to control over others at any cost, and the outcome is destructive behavior.  Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely corrupts. Play it safe and make your life’s goal to become a servant, for then you shall have a satisfying and peace filled life.  Power corrupts, but altruism can kick power’s butt.