“The Normal Christian Life”

It’s not my brother, not my sister but it’s me O’ Lord, standing in the need of prayer. Not so much prayer in order to face life’s adversities, but rather, much prayer in order to live in obedience to Him. Jesus requires me to love and pray for my adversaries; and even more difficult He requires me to forgive them of their trespasses. No more eye for an eye and tooth for tooth, for it has been replaced by Jesus with forgiveness and reconciliation. How far does He call me to go with loving and forgiving? All the way! This way and only this way can the wars that rage in the recesses of my mind be extinguished where peace prevails in my life? I must be obedient to his call on my life to forgive and love, even to the point of putting my feelings on the back burner, so His grace can reign supremely in my life. Nothing else can work to give me normalcy in life. This is the key to living a “Normal Christian Life.”

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