Was Jesus Blowing Smoke?

When I was a boy my folks taught me that I must take up for myself and not let people run over me. Whatever that means, I fought my adversaries like a mad man, and at times ended up in a whole heap of trouble. When anyone became offensive towards me I just naturally retaliated. My thinking was this: “If I allowed someone the opportunity to overpower and abuse me, then they would continue  abusing me on a regular basis.”  My family was law abiding, God fearing, church going people, and when we went to church each week I heard another message, “turn the other cheek, and forgive others for their trespasses. Now this is and and was confusing because it went against all that I feel in my heart, and all I was taught in the home. I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning turning back. Jesus has taught me to love those who do not love me, abuse me, and say all manner of evil against me; am I  wrong in turning the other cheek or am I right down naive and stupid? Is it possible to follow Jesus’ teachings or are they only noble ideas that sound good.  Was Jesus’ just blowing smoke or did he give us a game plan to follow that leads us to kingdom living, and ultimately eternal life. Give me some feedback on this one folks?

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